Visual Perception
“… for,See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount” Heb. 8:5
While studying Architecture I took a course called Visual Perception. The idea is that you are given a specific object as a pattern to draw and the rule is that you must not draw what you couldn’t see.
The Lockdown and New Opportunities
I have been meaning to do this post for a while now, but I have a funny way of doing posts. I must have a release to do it and usually it’s spontaneous. So finally, I’m doing it now. Hmmm let me begin by saying there is no place for the lazy, especially in the world we live in now, things look so easy but they are not, they have become more complicated and more demanding!
Concerning Impartation
Many years ago I made up my mind that I would not be a thirty or sixty fold believer. I wanted to be hundred fold. You see the kingdom of God is not about one leg in one leg out, is about going all the way.
Great aroma is not always great taste!
Why is it taking so long? I bet that’s the question on the heart of so many ministers and lay people alike! Many years ago I became aware of the call of God upon my life and of what the Lord will have me do on this side of eternity. That awareness came with both a holy fear and excitement.
How my father impacted the future through service
Today I want to touch on something very pivotal. Something I would plead you never forget. Our God is a God of generations! What you do today will affect your children tomorrow, especially in kingdom service. Nothing you do for the kingdom go to waste. God keeps records!